My lecture at WebCampLjubljana - video

As I’ve mentioned in my previous post, I had a lecture about Sass at WebCampLjubljana in November. Guys that put the whole thing together now published the videos (every lecture was recorded) and here is my lecture:

Sass – a better way to write CSS from Jan Hančič on Vimeo.

It was my first time doing something like this, so I was a wee nervous but I think it doesn’t show (except that I used “amm” as every second word). Since this was also my first *Camp, I also didn’t quite know what the target audience will be, and I think (as some have pointed out) I was a little bit to technical. I should have probably focused more on describing the benefits of Sass and how it can speed up your development, not how to actually use it. But I hope somebody will find some use of it now that is floating around the internet.

update: Slides (PDF) from my talk are here